Mobile Banking Service

About Mobile Banking Service

Now no need to go to the bank by yourself to carry out the smallest transaction, you just avail Mobile banking application from your branch & login to your Mobisharada app. All your need is android smartphone. Mobisharada application provides service of funds transfers and other requests like Deposit & Loan Accounts details & A/c statements.  With this service, customer can transfer funds to any other person or beneficiary account in our bank as well as other banks by NEFT.

  • Fast Processing - Transactions done instantly with speedy processing.
  • Security – The application is highly secured.


Mobile banking security Tips

  1. Device safety/Lock the device when not in use:
  • Set your phone to automatically lock when not in use and use a unique password to unlock it.
  • Choose a strong password to keep your account and data safe
  • This password-protects your device so that nobody else can use it or view information. Also be sure to store your device in a safe location.
  • Set the maximum number of incorrect password submissions/login attempts no more than three.
  • If you lost or changed your mobile phone number, immediately inform Bank, your service provider and law enforcement authorities.
  1. Keep the software, including security software on your device updated
  • Keep the security software on your mobile device up to date as well.
  • Update your anti-virus scan software regularly.
  • Do not hack /modify your device (also known as Jail breaking) as this can leave it open to infection from a virus or Trojan.
  • Fraudsters use infected applications and documents to spread malware and infect devices. To protect yourself against this, you should ensure you never open or download anything from a source you don’t know or trust. Please get mobisharada application from your branch.
  • Be careful about the websites you are browsing. If it does not look authentic, do not download anything from it. Always use secured (https://) websites with green padlock.
  • Be cautious while accepting offers such as caller tunes or dialer tunes or open/download emails or attachments from known or unknown sources.
  • Do not follow any URL in message that you are not sure about.